Bruce, please send me an email at Wondering how you did with your claim and if you might be able too help guide me with the process.
Daniel Stock,
CAll me for a list of claims already approved from takhli, for AO 480-433-2209
Bruce Felicki.
Hello Bob, I was working in the bomb dump as a munitions specialist in 1966-1967. Doing AO research for my claim for heart damage. Trying to confirm AO usage on the perimeter where the bomb dump shares the perimeter fence. The VA has denied my claim to date as they state no AO exposure at Tahkli AFB. Any info you have or photos would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Daniel Stock A1C
Bruce, please contact me chunk07(at)Comcast.nxt.
Replace (at) with @, and x in .nxt with e to prevent spammers... I was detailed from 347th AMS Comm/Nav/ECM to drive flightline shuttle during the Gas crisis.
Forgot to add, I was at Tahkli Aug 73- Jul 74 and moved to Korat until rotation Aug 74.
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