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    Re: Bad posting # Archived Message

    Posted by Alan Kane on July 31, 2009, 7:57 am, in reply to "Re: Bad posting #"

    Hi Richard,

    I see a few problems with your view.

    Silver bullets can be worth their weight in gold, or silver even, but only if they are intelligent. They are effective in a minority of cases. The example you use of the HDI pedal is perfect. If you can establish a reliable pattern to the symptoms and grill the customer regarding what the symptoms are then it can work. If an effort is made to make the info accurate then it’s a good thing. The problem is that very few silver bullets are fired accurately.
    What if the part is more expensive, like an ECU. Bolt on diagnostics can make sense when the suspected part is very cheap or the fault is intermittent. If a tech is faced with the choice of fitting an ECU as recommended in the form of a silver bullet fix, or testing to find the actual cause then what should he do?

    <<< I know that some posters expect a magic wand to be waved and seem to asking a lot but if this upsets you then just don't reply. >>>

    That is the main problem and it is what is happening. There are many members who would contribute more if the quality of the posts were higher. This would also give others more opportunity to learn and could contribute to raising the standards in the trade in general. After all, this is what UKAT is all about.



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