Re: Takhli AB 1966-67, Agent Orange Claim
My name is Mike Saunders A1C A&E Squadron on the F 105. I understand the government now has admitted to using AO at Takhli nearly 50 later. I have been trying to prove I flew from Takhli to Saigon on C130 transferred to commercial flight to SFI California then bus to Travis where I was discharged in Nov 1966. I filed claim about 7 years ago has been denied because I cant prove I was boots on the ground Saigon. I recently added to my claim because I have terminal cancer (blood cancer}. My Doctor at University of Virginia has studied mutations of all my blood cells and has put in writing that my cancer is caused by AO. I hope this letter from my Doctor will help my claim. I now feel I was exposed to AO in Thailand and Saigon. I don't have much faith in the VA any more. Good luck to all you guys.