The people most pumped about the bigger brackets and more fans are the bootleg T shirt vendors. If you know, you know! Watch for the El Camino in the back lot, he will point you the right direction. Word is this year to avoid the fuzz, they will probably sell the bootleg Mat Classic Shirts out of the back of an actual Prohibition Era Speakeasy down by the docks. They used to sell them under the east end bleachers, but ByTheBook ratted them out, then the yellow coats came over and served a cease and desist. The underlying reason was some of the same guys that run the docks and lean on the longshoreman for favors or to turn a blind eye to certain freight that may come in..they also are getting a piece of official Mat Classic shirts. They control everything, from the photographers in the dome, the coffee vendors, who's corn is sold, and the shirts. Tey get a piece of everything. Keep you posted, if I hear anything else.