The only Baphomet pendant I ever owned went to a friend who was a very strong Shiva manifestation. Its origins are in ancient Egypt, where a ram was kept as a sacred animal that held part of the soul of Osiris, a god of idealism and reformed character. Later, this deity merged with an Arabian one, and took on more of what we now can see as Seth, the brother of Osiris, who found it necessary to murder him in order to keep the family fortune from being compromised. So, today, Baphomet is a profound symbol of balancing the ideal and pragmatic sides of the human personality by drawing on these opposing ancient archetypal powers. Sometimes where there is work to be done that involves danger so that more benevolent looking and spiritual saints and gods seem unable to protect, pagans and some Christians use a sort of devil god symbol to seek protection. Baphomet can bless people who are willing to take on an extra measure of courageous control in their prayer lives, especially when their life paths are tricky and more reliant upon what most folks regard as supernatural. I would keep the pendant washed and put away in a velvet pouch in a wooden box when not being worn or used in meditation. We often hear of the path of mystic Initiation, which is an ancient educational system designed to help truth seekers extract reliable information from unreliable sources. So, if you have the patience, compassion, self control, and desire for wisdom that most who wear Baphomet do, remember that He helps people who are affectionate and respectful of their fellow creatures, rather than those who claim that a certain doctrine makes them superior to others. Enlightened self interest, when it comes into full bloom in a mage, can bring forth an immense measure of philanthropic and helpful energies. When you look at someone who is acknowledged as both a star and a kind soul, there is a strong mojo and consciousness obviously at work. Adoring Baphomet allows someone who recognizes the value of that power and seeks more of it for him or herself a means of doing so, via magical praxis and awareness. Today, we also often see the symbol misused by people in politics and entertainment to denote a demonic alliance. There are evil people who embrace the Satanic symbols, but since Baphomet is a god of balancing human needs, the opulence of the deity can help those who need to know what is going on with darker personalities find answers to questions about how to proceed with their own creative agendas. Have a plan, be considerate, and Baphomet is actually a divinity who bestows sane power. People who just want to wear black robes and abuse others, like the coven around Timothy Dalton in _Hot Fuzz_ feel like they are getting somewhere with the dark forces. But if your intent is loving, Baphomet will help you see past their wiles. The Goat God reminds us that there is a bit of the Divine in everyone, and people who are truly interested in doing what God does, i.e. magic, is going to seem eccentric to the rank and file puritanical mob. Thus, there must be recourse for those who want a life that is not always bogged down in mundane and trivial pursuits, and are willing to do their part to keep the Universe a more fun and healthy place for other appreciative beings. Yes, Baphomet does help nasty reprobates from time to time, but His patience with them does come to an end, eventually.
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