on 12/27/2024, 6:10 pm, in reply to "Re: reading his comments is eerily familiar..."
anything else is BS. he took a difficult job and got paid well for it at Long Beach. maybe he didn't want to face a possible plateauing of where the program was at after two years
it's the latter of the two you mentioned.
the guy, IMO, seems to be one this risk averse risk takers, lol. like get as much security as he can at any moment, at the expense of staying too long anywhere. eventually he may strike lightning and hit some jackpot that is in his mind, or eventually his resume will catch up.
Previous Message
Like everyone else....a big huh? From reliable sources, financially, his contract at LB was very favorable and included a housing allowance.
* With the change of AD's did support mechanisms change?
* Or is this a case of a Tyler attention deficit syndrome and always looking for something perceived to be better? His hop scotching resume reinforces this.
Inquiring minds....valid input welcomed.
Previous Message
...and comes across now as ..."blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...."
no offense to Tyler, but given the same words he made about his alma mater; it's just the same script from a few years ago Previous Message
it's true, wow Previous Message
Taking the HC position at St. Marys. Is this guy ever satisfied???