Congrats on your VA award of a 60% rating for Tinnitus and Sleep Apnea.
I am reaching out to you today in hopes that I can provide some information that you my find helpful to you and perhaps supportive to your VA claim.
Question: Have you had an 'A1C'blood test recently?
You may already know this but the reason I am asking this is because AFAIK Sleep Apnea can greatly increase your chances to contract Diabetes.
Also AFAIK the VA will recognize Diabetes as a Secondary Condition to Sleep Apnea.
Therefore, if your 3rd consecutive (on record) A1C blood test result is 6.5% or higher I then think you have the bases for an additional claim. If your test results are less than 6.5% continue your quarterly testing of your A1C levels. Perhaps ask your health care provider if he/she can slip in a "standing order" for A1C testing as you are now at higher risk of developing diabetes due to your sleep aponia condition.
The VA awards diabetes in increments of 10% 20% 40% 60% and 100% depending on the level of severity and life's inconvenience that the Diabetes condition causes a claimant.
I hope this information proves to be helpful to you. Best of luck and thank you for your service.
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