I made application under the PACT Act using the VFW's VOS at the VA hospital in Kansas City on June 1st 2023. Since then I see some status reports via the online portal. Mostly code numbers that don't mean anything to me. My VFW VOS isn't replying to emails and the app seems to be stalled.
I know a year and a month isn't long compared to the long wait many of you have had. I do have one question.
I have not been contacted to report for any screening exams. Is that always a part of a VA claim - being examined by one of their contract examination clinics? They have my records from the VA physicals and an outside provider but no requests for specifc exams for the claim.
The claims are for Type II diabetes and high blood pressure - both covered under the PACT act.
Dick Williams Takhli Base Weather 69-70 Kansas City MO
I applied in August of 2023 for hearing loss, tinnitus and sleep apnea. In Feb of this year I was contacted to have a hearing exam at a third party facility. One week after the exam I was awarded 10% for tinnitus. Within the next few weeks I was denied for hearing and sleep apnea. I appealed the sleep apnea, was given a phone interview and am awaiting appeal results.
To answer your question: under normal circumstances, yes. C&P medical exams are par for the course during a VA medical compensation claim.
I also have Type II diabetes and high blood pressure along with quite a few other issues as well and I would say I that have gone through 8 or maybe 10 different C&P medical exams at different VA contracted medical facilities over the 10 year life of my claim.
I also submitted copies of my medical records to support my claim but the reality is that the VA much prefers to have original copies of medical records sent directly to them from your medical provider (if not part of your military records). I had to submit a notarized release of medical records to the VA on more than one occasion during the life of my claim.
Have you ever received (directly) any land based mail from the VA Evidence Intake Center in Janesville, WI acknowledging receipt of your claim or claim status reports of any kind?
It sounds like your claim may be stalled for some reason. VFW VOS reps come and go, it is possible that your rep is no longer there and either forgot or could not pass your torch for some reason or another? That happened to me during the 2nd year of my claim.
I would like to help you if I can Dick. I first would like to suggest that you give the VA a call at 1-800-827-1000 Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ET and inquire about your claim. If they can't help you they should know where you can get the help you need.