buddy letters, lawyers, and proof
Posted by steve on 1/23/2015, 11:05:14
Just read on the BVA appeals citition website, where the VA discounted a retired Brigadier Generals buddy letter to support a airmans claim of handling agent orange barrels at Ubon. He was the unit commander at the time. If you look it up on the appeal citition website, it is archived 6-6-14 under agent agent- ubon. The general had no proof in his buddy letter to back up his claim. Bottom line, even a Generals buddy letter doesn't help without proof. You can hire all the lawyers you want, but unless you have solid proof, your claims going no where. There are hundreds of appeals on the citition website where claims with lawyer help have not been approved because of no concrete evidence. Hope this helps those out there to get as much solid proof as you can before filing or appealing.