I'll betcha someone here has a bit of info on Jane Bowers....
I've chosen "San Miguel" a beauteous, haunting melody by Jane Bowers. We've heard wonderful renditions by both Dave Guard and George Grove. There's even one by yours truly on You Tube.
Having said all that, I have a plethora of info on the others but pretty much nothing on Jane Bowers.
Any and all info from Y'all will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance
Some may recall that for five or six years I wrote articles about KT songs - the arrangements, the histories, and at times the composers - on Thursday nights after my 13 hour class days. They appeared first here on Xroads as "Weekend Videos" (lame) but proved popular enough for me to re-mount them on Blogger as (ta-da) Comparative Video 101.
The listed and linked articles that include a Jane Bowers song are here (just a hyperlink - too lazy to make it look pretty as I always used to do:
A brief bit at Discogs:
The Second Hand Songs site does a generally good job:
There is a possibly different musician/collector named Jane Bowers who was born in Texas in 1936. The Trio's Bowers was 1921-2000. I'm thinking that there isn't a direct relationship here what with the elder KT Jane being 15 in 1936 when the other Jane was born, but I will do as Hamlet in the play urges the grave-side workers to do - keep digging.