your right -------- hoooooooooooooooo hummmmmmmm -- hard to sit through these matches and watch the same players making the same mistakes over and over again -- bring bh back and teach the fundamentals -- the players are better then what they show on the floor --- our coach needs to bring this team to some what their potential and that seems further down the road -- change the line up starting in the back row and hen the left side hitters - where is mad max? - get her in there and lets see what she can do -- and big O on the right side -- given glenn a little rest when we can - most likely not next week -- BIG O need some playing time -- play giambi and lets use some of the other ds or setters back there -- need to be able to pass much better then what we have seen so far this year ------ still have hope--- GO 49rs ---------
Previous Message
no line up changes
a win
not sure what it proves. please spare us the "I liked the way they responded" line. jeez, it was a JV opponent today. but they'll be polite about it
BG did the same, not really changing line-ups for sure wins
still, guess Natalie thinks same ole same ole will produce different results the next time this team is actually stressed by an opponent.
based on what we've seen it's hard to imagine receiving is gonna get any or much better though
a win is always nice, Fullerton no offense is a very bad D1 team. 1st home win in conference, got to start somewhere