Wasn't expecting much from the Wolverine Scuffle hosted @ Bellevue but was pleasantly surprised by solid teams, lead by the Bombers who took home first.
Well run Boys and Girls divisions Highly ranked wrestlers from a variety of 2A, 3A, and 4A schools
Saw a number of wrestlers I had no clue about dominate.
Great comeback match at 120lbs. Watched the kid from Bellevue dominate at 190, a monster from Kennedy at 285 and a 106ers dominate from the same school in finals. Surprised to see kids from Mercer stand out and win, including the one girl on their team in finals. Cool to have spotlight matches at end for boys and girls.
Lowlights - seemed to be a number of longer breaks than necessary, but not worst I have ever seen. I like the fellow on the mic and the music, but occasionally he was offensive to the wrestlers he was commenting about. Didn't even seem to be aware of it until some older parents told him to stop talking.
Definitely hope out team goes back next year.
Re: Wolverine Scuffle
Posted by The Comeback Kid on 1/21/2025, 11:59 am, in reply to "Wolverine Scuffle"
Was ran well! enjoyed the spotlight finals. Not enough of that these days. Music during intermission had fans and wrestlers in joyful spirits. Officiating is taxing, not sure the tournament had ability to keep the refs from not taking frequent breaks. Two refs passed out from light headiness towards EOD. The three gyms provides a quaintness and escape from all day yelling in the main gym. The view from the terrace is nice in the lower gym.
I can commend Bellevue for providing big projectors to show track updates, tables with laptops, mat cleaner, spray bottles and paper towels for blood time. Trash bins everywhere you look. Super convenient! Janitors were upkeeping bathrooms all day. The concessions were nice. Pizza truck and espresso cart made for a unique twist. Excited for next season.
Good points. There could be some improvements with efficiency but anyone who has been around knows refs(good or bad ones) are hard to come by nowadays.
I was okay with waiting if it meant they were getting needed breaks.
I felt the same way with the multiple gym availability. Allowed people to move around and not get everyone trapped and cramped in one spot.