Current bets :the smart money been talking about already before the first whistle.
Over/under on double stall calls first round of 3A. The current line is 3.5. Jimmy says take the over. You know some ref with his eyes set on going to the big show wants to make a name for himself early and often is not going to wait until Day 2 to be a superstar. Once a couple of his wristbanded bretheren see him from the front row seat in the ref on deck chairs, at least a few will want to jump in on the fun.
Coach Feist attire. Right now you can put down $10 to win $100 that he shows up in shorts and flip flops. Personally jimmy thinks that is more his modus operandus in freestyle season. Stay away from this trap. Feist likely shown up in a sweater and bow tie. Which by the way? That bet is available with the over on double stall calls, and finished out by an excellent wager that it will take at least 30 minutes to get the competitors/coaches in the dome for weigh ins.
In terms of Coach Feist- The risk is that someone gets to him before tomorrow AM and gets him in on the action, maybe gets Chris’ ear and suggests he dress a certain way.. kinda sorta to make sure some winning tickets come in, if you know what ole Jimmy means.
Jimmy is always looking to make a buck too. Grandkids and flight to Mykonos and the motherland aren’t cheap these days. Inflation impacts all of us! Now one thing Jimmy knows and is grateful for is Uncle Joe doing is outlawing those hidden fees on airlines. Like charging me an extra $20 or $30to sit next to my wife and mistress. So thank you Joe. Now if we can get this inflation under control and help more folks have money for vices like gambling and booze, you got my vote for a second term..
Good luck gents. Just remember to gamble responsibly and don’t rely on the ponies or craps tables for personal investment purposes.
And good luck to all the wrestlers and coaches!
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