at that list. I hope they get to play against a
more traditional power from the Big 10 this
year it would be a nice reward. I don't like
ESPN very much and don't listen to any nonsense
they spew. How about Michigan or Michigan
State? Ohio St. was naughty so they're banned
from bowl participation as well as Penn State.
--Previous Message--
: Purdue has a losing record and are not very
: good this year, unlike last season. So don't
: look for your scenario to happen,
: unfortunately. But here's some others
: floating about on the web.
: -------------------------------------------------
: ESPN's Brad Edwards say's:
: SJSU vs Kent State in the Little Ceaser's
: Pizza Bowl in Detroit, Michigan on December
: 26th.
: ESPN's Mark Schlabach say's:
: SJSU vs Toledo in the Beef O'Brady's Bowl in
: St. Petersburg, Florida on December 21st.
: CBS Sports Jerry Palm say's:
: SJSU vs Marshall in the Hawaii Bowl in
: Honolulu, Hawaii on Christmas Eve.
: --Previous Message--
: I still like the Insight Bowl San Jose Vs.
: Purdue or another Big 10 opponent.
: You?
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