Clean the apartment THOROUGHLY!
Plan what will be done, mopping, dusting, etc, in advance.
Choose a day to do the ritual, maybe the New Moon for new beginnings or the Full Moon if you want the peak of power to give force to the cleaning and blessing of the space...or use the Dark Moon days if you think that will help you dislodge difficult to remove vibes.
Make a ritual incense or pick up a bottle of our House Blessing Incense in advance to burn while you work. Buy all your tools, sponges, mop, cleaners, etc., in advance.
Open the curtains and fill the rooms with as much light as possible. The light will chase away yucky stuff and fill the place with good vibes. Sunlight cures depression...duh!
Don't be lazy. Really wash down everything... You can make another potion with the mop water... Put Van Van oil in the mop water, hyssop, salt, a few drops of your urine to mark your territory... And sponge down everything! The baseboards, The fan blades, The windowsills, the doorframes, The light switches, the shelves in all the cabinets...
Vacuum and sweep. Don't forget to clean the closets thoroughly also.
Once everything is clean you can continue to burn House Blessing Incense while you unpack and get moved in. It's a good idea to clean the things you are unpacking before you put them on the shelves.
You can dress a stick candle, Or buy one of our house blessing candles...Open all the closet and cabinet doors... Light the candle.... then, beginning in the East move deosil through the house shining the candlelight in all the dark cracks and corners as you state out loud things like, "Where this light shines no negative vibrations, evil influences nor phantoms of illusion can live..." State all the things that you DO NOT want in your new home.
Next, You can burn a sage smudge stick... And go through the house exactly like you did with the candle, filling the cracks and corners with smoke while you state things like, "Where this smoke flows there will be harmony and happiness and peace...etc". State all the things that YOU WANT to be there.
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