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: Yes,i am.And thats because i saw,in
: boomerang,20 kimba episodes.20 ORIGINAL
: kimba episodes and i was fool because i
: never realized i could save them on a tape.I
: saw them all in spanish.Kimbas voice is
: great.i even think he has a greater voice in
: spanish than in japanese or english.He
: really sounds like a boy and his voice
: matches ALOT whit him.I also remember the
: theme song.I saw 2 episodes from the 1993
: version too.Kimbas voice doesnt change in
: the spanish version.He has the grat voice in
: 1965 than in 1993.The 1993 theme song was in
: english but the episodes in boomerang had
: the theme song in spanish.If you want the
: lirycs i will post them here: kimba(x 8)
: ¿Quién es el famoso rey del África? (ÁFRICA)
: ¿Quién destruye el mal e inplanta el bien?
: ¿Quién es respetado en todo África?
: Kimba,el león blanco es quien
: Cuando nos persiguen,cuando hay que pelear
: ¿Quién protege a todos hasta el fin?
: ¿Quién lucha valiente sin huir jamás?
: Kimba,el león blanco,el paladín
: (kimba x 8)
: Oh well. thanx for the lyrics. my sister
: learns spanish in skool wheras i learn
: french!
:i usually put my mobile phone in french and
: go to "speaking clock".It sounds
: funny!!I didnt know that your sister learned
: spanish i am from a country wich speaks
: spanish so its sometimes good to see my
: language on another countrie.But...isnt it
: difficult to learn like french?? i think it
: is.English is sooooooo easy though.
All depends on what I do. i had to do clocks in french today - AAAAAAAAARGH!!!! it was sooooooooo hard. but the teacher said that the last few minutes of the lesson we could do the wordsearch! i was so glad!
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