--Previous Message-- ::Car stops right above Dash, who is in a hole in the ground, safe.:: Woman: Here we are, my precious, this is the same spot I picked you up last year :ulls Prancy, gently, out of the boot:: you see Prancy, I've brought you back to your jungle home, :rancy licks her owner's hands:: because you're getting to big for me to keep in the city. Besides, I knew you were born free, so now you can be free. ::Steps into car and drives away. Prancy turns around and sees Dash:: Prancy: Oh! Aren't you Speedy Cheetah? Speedy Cheetah: Yeah, I'm Speedy. Who are you? Speedy: PRANCY! HOORAY! KIMBA! EVERYBODY! COME QUICKLY! IT'S MY SISTER PRANCY! Kimba: Wow! Talk about unexpected surprises!
: --Previous Message--
: --Previous Message--
: I love Dash! A little blue cheetah with
: yellow
: hair! Notice in some episodes he's called
: "Speedy Cheetah!"
: OK. Then what's Speedy Cheetah called if
: Dash is called Speedy cheetah?
: Well, I love Dash as well (but I don't
: neglect the other friends of Kimba ), as
: blue is my favorite color.
: I believe that this Dash/Speedy confusion is
: caused by a typo. As far as I know, Dash is
: called Speedy only in the "Scrambled
: Eggs" episode. Notice that the
: "real" Speedy Cheetah doesn't
: appear in that episode.
: Regards,
: CroKimba
: webmaster of "55 years of Kimba (Jungle
: Emperor)"
: I think Speedy is called Bongo in the Japanese version, I think.
He's also called Speedy Cheetah in "The Return of Fancy Prancy" I think that episode is really good.
Dash's sister returns from the city as a pet kept by a human being.
Here is a part of the ep:
Goodbye my Prancy, remember, always be a lady.
Prancy: I'm your sister! Don't you remember your own sister?
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