Looking for F-105D pilot,333rdTFS? That flew into DaNang 17 Aug 1968
Posted by William Biggerstaff Msgt USAF on 12/12/2019, 21:59:10
I was stationed at Korats 388 pneudraulic shop and flew to DaNang as a member of the accident investigations team for F-105D 61-0219 Pilot Nobe Ray Koontz Jr. Was killed at end of runway 17R,17 August 1968.His Wingman from Takhli landed his F-105D safely just minutes before due to a fuel emergency.I took a photo of this Captain next to his Thud wearing his "Go To Hell" Bush cap.I had his name but lost it.I would like to send him a copy of the photo if I can locate him.I believe he was with the 333TFS Lancers but not sure