The Sunday evening banquet is always a highlight. Make note of the dates and put it on you list of things to do in 2025.
A lot of work goes into each reunion - you can show your support by attending. We are not getting any younger so join up for the 2025 edition of the 355th/Takhli reunion. Someone you know or someone from your outfit will be there, talking the lingo you know well from 60 years ago. rjw/mkc
2025 355th Reunion. It will be in Indianapolis this time - dates are arrive 23 April (Wed) and go home 28th (Mon).
As soon as I get confirmation they have accepted our signed contract and deposit check I will provide info on the hotel.
This is the proposed itinerary - SUBJECT TO CHANGE.
Wed. Arrive thru the day/Ready Room
4/23/25 Dinner at motel
Thurs. Free breakfast at motel
4/24/25. 9-11 Bus to Rolls-Royce/Allison Aircraft Engine Museum (Free)
11-12 Bus to Lunch Charlie Brown’s, Speedway, Indiana
1-2 Walk to Dallara Race Car Factory, Speedway, Indiana ($15)
3-5 Bus to Indianapolis Motor Speedway Museum (Cost ??)
Bus to motel
Dinner at Thai restaurant/Ready Room
Fri. Free breakfast at motel
4/25/25. 9 Bus to Downtown Indy:
Medal of Honor Memorial
USS “Indianapolis” Memorial
Monument Circle
Meridian St Memorials
Bus to motel
Dinner on your own/Ready Room
Sat. Free breakfast at motel
4/26/25 9 Bus to Grissom AFB Museum (free)
Bus to Peru Circus Hall of Fame Museum (free)
Bus to Carmel, Indiana Arts District
Dinner in Carmel on your own
Bus to motel/Ready Room
Sun Free breakfast at motel
4/27/25 Day on your own
2:00-3:00 Board Meeting
3:30-5:30 General Membership Meeting
6:00-7:00 Pre-Banquet Social Hour
7:00-Until ? Banquet and Program
Mon Free Farewell Breakfast
4/28/25 Departure for most folks
Hope to see a lot of you there.
Bill Cook
Mike Dunn's 355th Takhli Group on Facebook.
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