About noon: Lead unit under US2 overpass. Mid ship was BC4653. Between them a whole bunch of the hoppers that usually are hauling taconite. Could not see into them to make sure they had a load. My source says the mine is shut down. Second car behind the BC unit was, for me anyhow, unusual. White, looked like a box with the corners rounded off. Gladstone had a lot of empty track. Logger flats still at Isabella. Yesterday in Manistique were a half dozen or more flats with olds partial signs "trailer..." with WC numbers... maybe for hauling welded rail; on the passing track at the depot. Off subject: masked community got out in the fresh air and put US flags on veteran graves at Lakeview and Fairview cemeteries. All 10 Schoolcraft cemeteries are now flagged. Sorry, you will have to be on rubber tires to see them.