Wishing you all the best and don't give up making it to 90. I'm willing to bet on you!
Besides, MUSIC is a tremendous healer and makes life worth living.
I still enjoy listening to my KINGSTON TRIO records,
and I just picked up THE BEATLES recently re-issued U.S. albums (LP/mono) released by Capitol Records.
They look and sound amazing!
Stay Well / Keep Safe / Long Life
- Larry Keenan
Happy Birthday Max!! I'll be looking forward to your 90th birthday. We'll take you out for a Bar B Q dinner :>) Terry and Lee
I don't feel bad calling attention to myself like this ....
Because I know I'm in good company.
I feel certain that it will be my last BIG one.
I don't see me making it to 90.
None of the males on either sides of my family have done this.
So, I figure I better make the best of what I have left.
The Kingston Trio has been a big part of me longer than anything.
What this is ...I can't begin to describe.
I just know it's there.