Don't Be Cruel / Hound Dog was the fist non-children's 45 that I bought and owned.
A very big song in my musical history.
In music, and our generation .... Elvis is everything.
When I say "our generation" for me, this included 1950s music.
The next generation caught the Beatles.
The Beatles came along for me during my 2nd year of college.
They had so many songs, and so many of them were so good and different, you couldn't ignore them.
For me.... the Beatles were an acquired taste.
I didn't automatically like them ... and I didn't like them for some time.
Starting out with a song like, "She loves you" for me was very juvinile.
Music wise .... TV wise.... Movie wise .....our generation had the best when we were young.
Kennedy and the Trio ....... Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!