1919 - Prince John, Johnnie, youngest son of King George V and Queen Mary died. He died in his sleep at Wood Farm, Sandringham following a severe seizure. Queen Mary wrote in her diary: "a great shock, tho' for the poor little boy's restless soul, death came as a great relief. Broke the news to George and motored down to Wood Farm. Found poor Lala (Charlotte Bill John's devoted Nanny) very resigned but heartbroken. Little Johnnie looked very peaceful lying there." And in a letter to a friend Emily Alcock wrote: "It is a great relief, as his malady was becoming worse as he grew older, & he has thus been spared much suffering. I cannot say how grateful we feel to God for having taken him in such a peaceful way, he just slept quietly into his heavenly home, no pain no struggle, just peace for the poor little troubled spirit which had been a great anxiety to us for many years, ever since he was four years old."
Re: On This Day
Posted by stephen on January 18, 2025, 1:19 pm, in reply to "On This Day"