Link: Daily Mail
When I ghost-wrote for Prince Harry on the bestselling book Walking With The Wounded, about four wounded soldiers who trekked across the ice to the North Pole, I didn’t meet him.
There was talk of me flying to Tromsǿ in Norway, to sit down with him for an hour or so while he was en route to join the soldiers who made that extraordinary trip to the North Pole in 2011.
In the end I was sent a video of him out on the ice, enthusing about the beauty of the landscape and the bravery of his companions. For 15 minutes, Harry trekked across the ice grinning a lot in full polar kit. It was recorded just for me but hardly illuminating. The word ‘amazing’ featured a lot, I remember.
This was worked up into a thoughtful chapter, which then had to get copy approval from Clarence House. Whether Harry read it himself, I have no idea.