Mediocre and derivative....absolutely. They're both to lazy and frankly, not talented enough to create concepts and projects from their own ideas. Oh, that would take too much time and actually sit down and do some actual thinking and planning. Much easier and faster to copy/plagiarize. Even with the copying, the things Meghan and Harry have put out are thrown together and sloppy. Harry and Meghan, you're not being unfairly picked on, it's being pointed out that you both put out laughable work.
We've talked about this, when Megxit occurred, they thought they would be rolling in billions, of course, the media hyped them up as much as possible. Billions and global domination. What was their aim? Revenge...revenge on the Royal Family, Hollywood, New York...all the people that didn't make Meghan the huge star that she could have been. Harry revenge because he wasn't the second in line to the Throne (at that time) and wasn't going to be King even though his late mother and the wife thought he should.
All immature, Poor Me and sour grapes.