I think the it coming on top of Hilt-Costello's announcement steered my thoughts that way. And not enough about the dominant program he created, with the best T&F facility in the Big West Previous Message
I agree Jane should have retired way earlier. My point is that coach is retiring and it does not have to do with Jane, but you labored on that point. He is a coach that served the school with distinction and should be treated as such. It's his legacy that should be discussed and not a comdamnation of Jane. Previous Message
... I do not hate Jane. I've talked to her 3 times. She's just not a leader and should ahve had the self awareness to not be a leach on the system and hung on way to long, for whatever personal satisfaction. that's not hate. That's my dispationate view of her. I don't hate 'mush'. it's still just 'mush' though. Previous Message
He is retiring after 35 years. What is Jane going to do make him younger! This has nothing to do with her. If anything NIL is chasing coaches out. Maybe the new President will be a billionaire and donate his/her money. Do not blame everything on Jane just because you hate her. Previous Message
knew this 'era' was coming of coaching retirements
ahve to wonder if the 'insulation' layer of admin, and inflexibility in funding, coupled with NIL era is hasteninng this
well deserved career.
we can't get a new PResident soon enough, and eliminate the layer of resposibility and inflexibility of admin.
Jane's legacy. no plan, no accomplishments, reduction in boosters, no excellence, no alumni, no direction, just a bunch of lectures to toss in the waste can.
at least she leaves with a chance for a clean slate, July 1st can't come soon enough!
thanks Jane for 'putting Long Beach State in it's place'
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