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I could have sworn she was listed on the school website roster earlier in the year. The big Canadian is not listed any longer. Previous Message
Right now, with no other defections, the program brings back 4 scholarship players with the NCAA allowing 12 under the current rules. This leaves 8 open with 5 being filled by incoming freshman.
Coach has some significant holes and depth issues now and will hopefully be able to find 3 impact transfers. Need a middle for sure and the two best players they can attract. Previous Message
& there are Juco players, Brittany Herzog came via the Juco route
coaching and recruiting has always also been about the network Reagan's staff develops. Previous Message
she needed to see what was available before these transfers, notably a MB and Setter, now it's expanded to at least pick up another MB and an OH,
on the plus side, there are a ton of transfers, it's not just Long Beach experiencing this, and there will be a lot more solid xfers coming available this week, and gonna be lots of PO'd players elsewhere the things go, as they see their positions in jeorpardy.
and maybe, but not likely, one of them figures out Beach was the best place for them and come back, but doubtful Previous Message
By my count, 10 players returning next season unless there are more defections. 5 H.S. seniors have signed to play next season. Assuming an 18 person limit per team, we need 3 experienced players to be competitive in the Big West. 2 MB's and a setter? Previous Message
5th player to transfer. Not sure if she was slated for my playing time next year. Are some of these players leaving due to the 18 player team limit next year?
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