these are pretty funny, granted it's some ranting, but still pretty funny
...does the CSU system allow this
77 years old,
I can't imagine anyone thought she would be here more than 5 years and her assignment was part pre-retirement gift and
it's ridiculous
she's an academic no-show
she's proven to be someone who is hypocritical with her pre-ordained hypocritical decision making, stating she was 'data driven' and then we've seen her using whatever data set she wants to make her 'made up her mind' decisions
she has not made Long Beach more diverse. it was already that way when she arrived. They should have sent her to Sonoma State for that
her obliterating 49ers was pre-ordained and she used the sub-set of data/anecdotes that conveniently aligned with her goal
on the other hand, her implementation of athletics fee was similar brute force - for some reason the input of almuni-fans-boosters prevailed in the fee, while it was dismissed in the mascot change . that's Jane
there's been no real advance in academia for her
she's totally lied about fund-raising on the recent termination of her 'no barriers' failure
bottom line is this. She's just accumulating more wealth. that's all. good for her I guess.
no inspiration, nothing to say that's really inspiring or innovative or compelling. she's a bureaucratic hack
god we can only hope the announcement comes soon that this is her last go around,
Long Beach could use some jolt of energy and engagement. not asking to revert mascot names, but someone who can't fall back on trite boring canned PC messaging. SOmeone to articulate excellence across campus and some inspiration. not athletics necessarily, just someone that can really embrace the city and academics without haggard type lecturing.
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