albeit maybe some of that can be refined, like Caffey learned to get his elbow in more between his jr and senior year.
again, Tsohonis shot 38% at VCU his last year, he's been crap ever since he came to Beach. Messiah shot 38% last year, he's been crap ever since he came to the Beach. AJ shot 40% last year. Silva shot 40% career at Stanford. Lewis has solid form.
they were developed enough to be GOOD 3pt shooters, so I disagree that their shooting can't be improved, and the data shows CDM has screwed up their shooting. It's not even up for debate. they are ALL worse shooters under CDM!!
I know they are good shooters because they shot good, and it's not like those guys have bad form. Tsohonis does have an atypical 'push' form, probably all the more reason he needs to especially be judicious to be set properly when he shoots a 3
what should be taught is:
a) teaching what IS a good 3 point shot
I know this is not being taught because repeatedly players (especially Messiah, Tsohonis, & Lewis most notably) take HORRENDOUS 3 pt shots. It has nothing to do with technique at all.
I never see them practicing the type of HORRENDOUS type of 3 pt shots they take in games ever. examples, shooting quick after a dribble, shooting why swaying because they don't get set, shooting from 3 to 4 feet beyond the arc. watch them at warm-ups, they get set, and take nice 3 pt shots, then they get in the game and jack up dissimilar 3 pt shots. it's simply mind-boggling.
b) teaching plays and ball movement in order to get a good look and more open 3 pt shots to shoot while being square to the bucket
there's no evidence from watching this team that much of anything in a) or b) ever gets corrected, so I know it doesn't get taught.
I don't agree that a 3 point shooter can just be taught. Most of the college players have been playing year round basketball since they were kids. How many are considered good. 3 point shooters? If they could be taught at the college level everyone would be a good shooter. Most coaches recruit 3 point shooters not create them.
we are last in 3pt FG, and close to last in opponents. that cannot continue if the team wants to win the Big West, get a top tier seed, and go dancing.
Riverside will be interesting, they are close to our ineptness (2nd to last in 3 pt shooting) in both shooting and opponent shooting.
another must win game Saturday, need to reel off wins
Some myths
"we don't have good 3 pt shooters"
Jones is a 35% capable shooter, Tsohonis has shot 38% in a season, Silva career 40%, AJ 40% last year, Messiah 38% last year. Lewis is capable. these guys can hit the shot if it's a good shot
We hear from CDM about "inside-out". so what does that really mean? It's pretty obvious watching us, especially last few games the inside part, we run picks, do high low with AT at the FT line, it's pretty clear, try to get LT the ball low on the left side, try to iso Tsohonis low or back down low on both sides. post AJ at times. duh, it's easy to scout as well
what is simply astounding to me is that with that emphasis (and strength) to go inside, we seemingly have zip strategy or even plays to get intentional 3 pt shots, zip as far as I can see, I didn't see ONE play actually designed to get a 3 last night. it's like our 3s happen by chance, it really seems that way.
it's incredulous to me in this modern era to try win games solely on pounding inside, it defies the statistical advantage of 3s and all modern basketball in college and pros to take advantage of the shot. Jerry Sloan of the Jazz could never adapt to the shot, he became a dinosaur.
can someone articulate an actual play we run to get a designed 3? anyone. passing to a guy that happens to be open is not a designed play, it's luck, lol.
also, IMO, I think CDM's lack of trying to get almost any advantageous 3s maybe contributes to so many bad/quick jack-ups. quick to pull the trigger on breaks before being set, early 3s, it's like all these guys get so excited when they think they can, they just do it cause there's literally no offense in the plan to get those. would be interesting to understand what the 'out' part of inside-out actually is. it's not clear, to me at least.
last night, we made two 3s, both were a) Lewis and Messiah were set, b) they got the ball off of a good pass and had space. but neither looked like part of a play. Lewis 2nd 3 was bit more rushed, his is a flatter 3, he tends to be impatient and not willing to pass up a 3, lol, part of the problem
the Slater-Murray title team had no big, yet because of spacing, and dishing and driving we got a lot of solid 3s, it was part of conference success. with Messsiah, AT, Tsohonis ability to drive/post and PASS, there's no reason we shouldn't get more intentional solid looks from the arc, more so that other teams. granted LT doesn't pass particularly well out of the post. not saying Beach should be constantly playing for 3s, but certainly have some design to intentionally get a solid 3.
Silva has a nice form, would like to see him get to the corner. Same for Lewis, Messiah, Toshonis. requires some design and spacing after the entry pass(es), it seems to me, and requires them to pass the shot up if not there.
again, requires them to pass up the shot, not shoot it just to shoot it. Poly had no inside game, yet was able to get great looks. it should be easier, not harder, for Beach to get similar looks. but does require some intentional commitment to have plays/space to get that shot.
winning inside is understandable, but trying to overcome the massive 3 disparity game after game, and at our pace where trading 2s for 3s can result, is a tough way to win every single game where the opponent has scouted for all the inside posts
another rant over.
or we could just clear out a side every single play and let AT take his guy to the hoop, I'm amazed we don't do that more. no one in the Big West can guard him inside. now if only he can start bouncing the ball b4 his FTs, to get a better rhythm and hit more
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